Goodbye Coronado: Layla Boyer


Photo courtesy / Roee Belkin

I will be attending Texas Tech in the fall. Thanks for everything Coronado.

As my time at Coronado dwindles down, I find myself reminiscing about the memories that have shaped me into who I am today. These four years have flown by, just as my mom told me they would, and I wondered if I really had made the most of it. Four years ago, I was shy and afraid to break out of my comfort zone, but I have met so many kind and wonderful people that have helped me become more confident and able to experience everything high school had to offer.  When I look back and remember “the good old days,” it won’t be my memories of all the firsts that happened here on campus, but rather all of the lasts I had the pleasure of experiencing.

Unfortunately, some of my lasts were stripped away. My advice to anyone reading is to make the most of the time you have because it is precious. Live in the now. It is easy to get caught up in wanting to get out and move on with your life, but in doing so, you lose the chance to create important memories. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

From late nights at Whataburger after football games to pulling all-nighters studying for a difficult Ballway test the next day, I would like to say I made the most of my time here at Coronado. It has shaped me into the person I am today, and I do not regret that at all. Each basketball game, every Coronado Coaster, and all that time complaining about all of the annoying construction will have been worth it in the end. I may not stay in touch with every single person I came into contact these past few years, but I know that I’ll remember them fondly when I am looking through the yearbooks I helped create when I am older. In the end, everything is worth it.

When I was younger, I would watch Winnie the Pooh, and as he once said: “how lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” This is a chapter of my life I am anxious to close. I am excited about the future  I am creating for myself. In the fall, I will be attending Texas Tech University to study business (pre-law track) and political science in hopes of becoming a mass media lawyer, all of which would not have been possible without the help from Mrs. Vargas, Mrs. Haefner, Mr. Vergara, Mr. Focht and so many other teachers from whom I had the pleasure of learning. They have taught me many valuable lessons that will stay with me forever.

Once a T-bird, always a T-bird.

But now it’s time to say Wreck ‘Em!