The wrestling team will be taking down their competition in district this season
Varsity wrestling will be advancing to district, competing in a majority of weight classes.
Weight classes are divisions of competition used to match competitors against others of their own size and while wrestling is a team sport, each person is scored individually.
A match is divided into three two-minute periods. The objective in a wrestling match is to pin your opponent.
If a pin occurs, the match is over and whoever scored the pin wins. But if neither wrestler scores a pin, the score at the end of three two-minute periods determines the winner.
You earn points for the different moves you successfully execute during a match.
Some of these include Takedown – (2 points). You score two points for taking your opponent down to the mat and controlling them.
Another move is Escape – (1 point) which means an individual scores one point for getting away or getting to a neutral position when your opponent has you down on the mat (your opponent can also earn points for any infractions you commit).
Senior Analisa Jones, whose record is 27-12, feels that the team will do very well at district considering the rise in new players.
“Half of us are very new and half of us are very experienced and I think that gives us a really good shot at winning most of our matches.” Jones said.
Head Wrestling Coach Aldo Meza states that the team has shown steady improvement and progress this season.
“We’ve got kids having great seasons and others having breakout ones” Meza said.
Issac Pedea whose score is 32-10, believes that teamwork is essential when it comes to wrestling because it builds camaraderie amongst the team.
“As a team we try to push each other to bring ourselves up so that we can all rise as one.” Pedea says.
The wrestling team will be competing in district on January 30 and regionals on February 7-8.